xiamenwolf 发表于 2019-9-12 11:21:26



MIND THE GAP!Filteringisa great way to make progress through slow-movingtraffic. But what’s the best way to do it?小心空隙!交通拥堵时穿插钻缝很爽,但爽的时候别忘了:
Filtering is an area of motorcycling that dividesopinion. It may be legal, but some car drivers are not happywith bikesfiltering. And evenamong motorcycliststhere are different views about what good filtering is. To findout how to do something well, it's always best to go to someone who knows.And IAMRoadSmart's headof driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman, knows all about how to filter throughtraffic. Here are his key tips:摩托车钻缝和穿插一直是一个有争论的话题。不一定违法,但有的四轮司机对钻缝党很不爽。况且车手们也在一些具体的方法上争论不休。所以,需要问专业人士的看法,Richard是个老鸟,看看他咋说:
■Only filter when the surrounding trafficis moving at less than 20mph, and then only exceed that speed yourself by 10 to15mph maximum (if safe and legal to do so).身边车辆速度高于30公里/小时不要钻。钻的时候,你的速度要比对方高10-20公里/小时。
■Scan for side turnings and entrances toboth sides of the road, and try to keep a car door's width away from thevehicle you are passing.注意道路两旁的支路和出入道口,和四轮保持适当横向距离,至少比它的门宽一些。(你懂的)
■Obey all 'Keep Left' bollards and also beaware that temporarily stationary vehicles at traffic lights, pedestriancrossings, etc.,are notclassed as parked for the purposes of solid white lines, and therefore youcannot cross a solid white line to filter.注意路锥标识,当心路边临时停靠的车辆、斑马线、停车让行线等,注意穿插钻缝时不要跨实线。
■ Can you see the driver's face through thewindow or wing mirrors? Does he look like he's about to pull out? Always lookfor evidence that the driver has seen you and comprehends that you are passingthem.如果能,尽量透过四轮车窗或者后视镜,快速瞥一下四轮司机是不是要变道或者并道?他是不是已经看到你?是不是能知晓你正在超越他?
■When filtering to the right side,consider using the 'stepping stone' method. Whilst you don't actually have tomove into the spaces, consider which one would be suitable.选择一个好钻的车隙。钻缝前可以快速观察和下意识评估一下。
■If you are filtering between lanes, youneed to look out for other motorcycles which could possibly be hanging lanes orapproaching you from the rear.在不同车道间穿插时,也要当心后面有没有逼近的摩托车。
■ Filtering takes a lot of concentration,so make sure you take short breaks if you're travelling for a long period oftime.穿插比较耗神,长时间驾驶需要适当休息,抽支烟、撒个尿、吹个牛什么的。
■Ride at a speed that allows you to reactto the movement of other road users and always have an escape route planned inyour head.控制右手,确保突发情况时你有足够的反应时间。而且需要时时观察和计划好躲避路线。
■Filtering can sometimes come as a bit ofa surprise to the person driving behind you,so remain courteous by giving a polite waveof the hand to the driver behind as you are making progress.穿插时,怕就怕吃你尾气的司机哥们思路跟不上节奏或者吓一跳或者不爽,所以你可以经常礼貌性的打个手势,会比较绅士笵儿。
■Think of the size of the vehicle infront of you. Just because there's a gap, it doesn't mean you should move intoit. For example, HGVs will need more space and time to manoeuvre thana car would. 注意观察前方车辆的尺寸,别瞎JB钻。重载车操控起来需要更大的空间和安全距离。
RICHARD SAYS: “Oneof the biggest advantages of a motorcycle is the ability to make progressthrough traffic. Despite thoughts to the contrary, it is not illegal and theHighway Code references it in a number of areas. Staying safe must be your mainpriority and understanding where planned filtering becomes dangerous overtakingwill help with this. The best motorcycling advice ever is just because it fitsdoesn't mean you should put it there.”Richard老法师最后说:骑摩托车最爽的特点之一就是钻起来方便。但是还是要学好交规,搞清爽啥能干啥不能干。穿插钻缝有风险,安全第一记心间!道路千万条,小命就一条!

mingzhiren 发表于 2019-9-12 11:33:41


slayer11328 发表于 2019-9-12 11:35:55

只有堵的时候才钻, 别的时候钻的意义不大

ft26 发表于 2019-9-12 11:37:41


刘小贱_贱贱 发表于 2019-9-12 11:39:51

四轮停下或者龟速了 低速钻钻缝还行
都在行驶就不叫钻缝了 叫变道

白面团_儿_╯з 发表于 2019-9-12 11:43:21


xuejiajun 发表于 2019-9-12 11:43:21

刘小贱_贱贱 发表于 2019-9-12 11:39
四轮停下或者龟速了 低速钻钻缝还行
都在行驶就不叫钻缝了 叫变道

行驶中叫同车道并行 。

mcf2000cn 发表于 2019-9-12 11:50:18


lemonhua917 发表于 2019-9-12 11:59:33


笑傲浆糊 发表于 2019-9-12 13:30:10

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查看完整版本: 钻还是不钻?怎么钻?看老鸟怎么说!