xiamenwolf 发表于 2019-9-20 09:08:43


How to protect yourself from buying a fake helmet如何避免买到假的头盔!
WITH THE PREVALENCE of internet shopping, more and morecounterfeit products are entering the marketplace. For the last 18 months, thishas grown to include motorbike gear and most worrying of all, helmets. Buying afake helmet is incredibly easy — we did it in a matter of days. But unlike a knock-offGucci bag, one of these could easily cost the wearer their life. 随着网购的流行,越来越多的假货充斥着市场。过去的18个月,一些冒牌的摩托车装备也出现了,可怕的是,甚至头盔也有。几天时间你就能买到一个假的头盔,太简单了不是?但是你想过没有,一个假的Gucci手包不会要你的命,而一个假的头盔则很容易做到。
As part of an investigation by ITV, the British StandardsInstitution tested a pair of fake helmets with a typical 30mph impact – both faileddramatically. The BSI tested a suspect AGV and a suspect Arai alongside a genuineAGV. The limit in the test is 275G of deceleration – anything more will damage thebrain irreparably. In the first test, the suspect AGV transferred 830G, whilethe suspect Arai measured 700. The genuine AGV, by comparison, measured just174G.根据我们的调查,BSI英国标准协会根据标准测试了一组头盔,用的是30英里/小时的冲击试验。共测试了三个头盔,一个是标了AGV的假盔,一个标了ARAI的假盔,对比用的是一个真的AGV。根据标准,试验条件下,经过头盔缓冲后作用在人头骨上的载荷不能高于275克,否则,会造成不可逆的脑损伤。结果显示,假的AGV为830克,假的ARAI为700克,而用来对比的真的AGV,则是174克。册那,果然是数据说真话!
“For someonewearing that helmet, potentially in the first impact it’s going to disintegrateand then they’ve got no protection on their head at all,” said Mark Mayo, BSI’sPersonal Safety Testing Team Manager, who conducted the tests. “During thethird test, performed on the crown of the head, the shell on both suspecthelmets split in half. It’s absolutely appalling. Somebody could be killed justby the first impact alone. And that’s just at 30mph.”Mark是BSI的个人防护用品测试经理,他说:这种鸟头盔,一次撞击就能被干碎,你说能保护脑袋吗?在另外进行的第三个测试中,载荷是作用于头顶的。结果,两个假头盔直接裂成两半,太可怕了。看吧,仅仅30英里/每小时的速度撞击就足以把这个人带给耶稣。(想想您平时开几码?)
“There are a lotof manufacturers pumping out really cheap helmets across Asia,” said StuartMillington, senior brand manager for MotoDirect, the UK distributors for Araiand AGV. “But these fake helmets are clearly substandard. “The quality of theshell is way below what you’d need in a severe impact. And on the inside, it’sa one-piece single density EPS, which is so basic. “We want to make sure peoplearen’t unknowingly wearing illegal and substandard products. It’s young riders,new riders, or people who have them bought as gifts. They think they’re protectedwhen they’re not.” Stuart是Arai/AGV英国总授权商的品牌经理,他说:在亚洲,很多厂家生产这种便宜头盔。但是,这些问题头盔明眼一看就知道有问题。外观质量差不说,内衬也都是用的单片低密度发泡聚苯乙烯,太特么小儿科。我们要确保人们不要被蒙骗而戴这种低劣/违法的产品。年轻的骑士们或者新手往往喜欢买这种东西,或者有人买来送礼。他们以为这玩意能保护,其实保护个锤子!

WE BOUGHT ONE £80 including deliveryinstead of £300本刊记者在网上买了一个Arai,花了几百块(正品要两千多)。等会儿有图。
BUYING THE HELMET was easy and the online auction site advert made it out to be much moretrustworthy than it really is. Although the advert never claimed it to be anArai in the headline, the pictures were clearly of an Arai-branded lid, theitem description listed it as a 2018 model and said it had all the relevant ECEapproval. It listed a UK address, but two weeks later it had clearly beenshipped from ××. The whole helmet feels nasty and generally unsafe. If you open thevisor, the whole shell can quite easily be flexed with your hands and the chinbar twisted. The vents are shoddy, too. Inside, the EPS foam is incredibly soft— a medium-strength push will sink your thumb over 6mm into the polystyrene. There’sno way this lid is possibly safe.网上买头盔很容易的,而且那些广告也在诱导你相信他们的鬼话。尽管他们的广告大标题里丝毫不提Arai,但他们使用的照片其实明明白白就是arai,而且是个2018款的,他们还说通过率了ECE的批准和验证(其实是鬼话)。本记者发现,网站上卖家的地址是英国的某个地方。但两周后,我们收到了头盔,邮寄地址明明是CN(哈哈哈)。这个头盔看起来就一塌糊涂,没安全感。打开镜片,手伸进去摸一下,壳体感觉坑坑洼洼,下沿保护下巴那一块竟然特么是歪的。通风口也很劣质。内衬的泡沫软趴趴,用拇指按下去就能陷进去6毫米。这玩意会安全吗?

综上,在此提醒各位并倡议: No fakes have entered the supply stream, sothe easiest way to make sure is always buy from a reputable dealer.一,网站有责任禁绝假货。。。。不过,最好的方法就是通过有信誉的销售商购买A bit of common sense goes a long way — ifa helmet is too cheap to be true online, then it almost certainly is.二,不说你的也知道。。。。如果一个头盔的价格明显低的吓人,你懂的Bought a suspect helmet? Check thechinstrap — only genuine lids have the safety E- marked label stitched in.三,如果怀疑买到了假头盔,仔细看看头盔上的标识,例如:好的头盔往往把标识用针车缝在绑带上(当然这一点是英国做法)If you’re still not sure contact therelevant UK distributor and send them a photo — they’re best placed to know.四,如果还是不放心,联系正规的销售商,拍照片发给他们,往往他们一看就知道。If you buy a fake, especially from anauction site, contact the site immediately, as well as Trading Standards.五,如果你是从拍卖网站买的头盔,发现头盔是假的,那么赶紧联系网站,并向有关部门举报。


man 发表于 2019-9-20 09:13:51


ivan1987 发表于 2019-9-20 10:25:21


xiamenwolf 发表于 2019-9-20 10:35:40

ivan1987 发表于 2019-09-20 10:25


RPM_ 发表于 2019-9-20 10:48:04


宜台WELL葛德孚 发表于 2019-9-20 10:49:13

非常谢谢 辛苦了

唐包 发表于 2019-9-20 10:54:53


vanya 发表于 2019-9-20 11:10:26

所以我买arai arai暂时没看到假货 淘宝那种没耳扳的arai 我想正常脑子的人 不会买的!

fjlf 发表于 2019-9-20 12:11:00


wengyewei 发表于 2019-9-20 12:35:14

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